our strength is our community
A strong sense of community in our school is both essential and important to all of us at BSL. Our school community is connected at its core with wanting only the very best for the children in our care, as perfectly denoted by the root and suffix of the word (common-unity).
parent connection
The Parents' Connection is a fun, social and welcoming organisation. It works to promote and encourage interaction between parents and the school community. Through this principle function, it acts as a meeting place for parents and facilitates fund-raising activities that provide for the school community and charitable causes.
All parents become a member of our Parents’ Connection as soon as their child joins the school so please come along to one of our PC meetings and meet lots of new (and not-so-new) parents of BSL. Then you can find out much more about who we are, what we do and what we can offer you as a parent of the school. It will also give you the chance to meet and talk with the school’s Senior Leadership Team and learn more about the educational sessions that are organised by the school staff for parents throughout the year.
While the Parent Connection is aimed at improving and supporting the school and families, it does not form part of school governance. All individual issues, concerns or complaints should be raised directly with the school and not through the Parent Connection. Please seek further guidance from the Headteacher if you are unsure about any issue.
To provide events that the whole school community can participate in and enjoy: children, parents, families, teachers and support staff.
To facilitate fund-raising activities that enable us to support charities close to our hearts and to provide events for the school community.
To provide a positive, welcoming atmosphere for all new families and to make sure that they are supported in their move to BSL.
To facilitate activities that aid the children during their school days (‘Lunch Mums and Dads’, ‘Reading Parents’, etc).
We are a self-funding The Parents’ Connection. We raise all our funds and we only use these funds to either donate to charity or to provide for events we organise for the school community. We are clear and transparent with our finances.