Exploring New Concepts
We aim to provide children in Early Years with educational experiences that develop a positive approach to learning. By creating a learning environment where children feel at home, they will be more willing to explore new concepts and ideas. Self-discipline, a sense of responsibility, and respect for others are encouraged.
Early Years Curriculum Overview
Classroom walls are covered with careful displays of children’s art and craft, as well as language-based information to help them develop language skills. Displays of educational material related to topics being studied and an ever-changing role-play area further stimulate their enthusiasm.
Language & Literacy
Language and literacy cover essential aspects of language development and provide a strong foundation on which to build. Particular emphasis is placed on speaking and listening as well as on pre-reading and pre-writing activities.
In Numeracy, children are introduced to essential aspects of mathematical understanding and are provided with the foundation for numeracy. This is achieved through practical activities and by using and understanding simple mathematical language.
Knowledge & Understanding Of Their Environment
Children in Early Years acquire basic knowledge and understanding of their environment, other people and features of the natural and human-made world.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Personal, social and emotional development focuses on children learning how to; work, play, co-operate with others and function in a group beyond their family.
Physical Development
The physical development programme aims to help children develop physical control, mobility, awareness of space and manipulative skills in indoor and outdoor environments. Children are actively encouraged to establish positive attitudes towards a healthy and active way of life.
The curriculum ensures children are ready for Lower School by providing them with a range of knowledge and skills to build the right foundation for good future progress. By the end of the Early Years children will have acquired most, if not all, of the skills and abilities in each of the seven areas of learning:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts & Design
Please make an appointment with your child’s teacher, if you have any questions about the curriculum or the expectations children aim to meet by the end of each school year.
End Of Year Expectation Booklets
In order to help parents and carers support their children’s learning in school, we have produced information booklets containing the End of Year Expectations for Nursery through to Year 4. Please download a copy for your child’s Year Group.
If you have any questions about the curriculum and the expectations children aim to meet by the end of each school year, please make an appointment with your child’s teacher.
The information you will find documented in the booklets below forms the expectations that your child will be assessed against. We have shared them with you so you are fully aware of what the End of Year Expectations are for your child and their respective year group.
These booklets list key skills that should be in place by the end of your child’s current year. This is based on abilities needed so that he/she can fully access the age-related curriculum the following year. We hope that you will find these documents useful to help support the work we do and in helping us to ensure your child is achieving their potential. Teachers will share your child’s progress with you, throughout the year at Parent-Teacher Consultation (PTC) meetings.