“Leadership & Learning Are Indispensable To Each Other”
John F. Kennedy
Our Middle School curriculum has been designed to meet the requirements of current national guidelines and our commitment to providing a wide range of subjects, including modern languages and vocational training options. Students are grouped differently depending on the needs of the subject.
middle school (years 6 to 9)
Middle School is a term used to describe students in Years 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Compared with other British curriculum schools in the UK and internationally, the British School of Lisbon is quite unique in dividing up what would normally be classified as Senior School or Secondary School this way. The Middle School model also exposes Year 6 students one year early to the traditional Senior School approach.
The curriculum during this stage of education at the British School of Lisbon will contain new subjects in which students get a foundation in before moving into Key Stage 4 and making I/GCSE option choices.
The Middle School model has the following benefits for our Year 6 students:
students develop social, emotional, organisational, and interpersonal skills earlier;
students are exposed to, and encouraged to, explore a variety of subjects, building knowledge and confidence in their abilities;
there is a more stimulating and engaging environment for our Year 6 students (providing stretch and challenge); and,
it lays the foundation for success in Key Stage 4, and beyond, by studying the `secondary´ range of subjects earlier by being taught, one year earlier, by secondary subject specialists.
As you might expect, this approach is very popular with our stakeholders.
End Of Year Expectations
In order to help parents and carers support their children’s learning in school, we have produced information booklets containing the end-of-year expectations for Secondary school. Use the reader below to view more information or download your own copy for your child’s year group.
The information you will find documented in the booklets below forms the expectations that your child will be assessed against. We have shared them with you so you are fully aware of what the End of Year Expectations are for your child and their respective year group.
These booklets list key skills that should be in place by the end of your child’s current year. This is based on abilities needed so that he/she can fully access the age-related curriculum the following year. We hope that you will find these documents useful to help support the work we do and in helping us to ensure your child is achieving their potential. Teachers will share your child’s progress with you, throughout the year at Parent-Teacher Consultation (PTC) meetings.