Uniforms Help Foster
A Sense Of Pride
Uniform purchase
Uniforms can be purchased at the uniform department in El Corte Ingles Lisboa
Uniform Information
School uniform is compulsory for all students attending the school. We believe that wearing a school uniform in a proud and smart manner promotes positive self-esteem and, therefore, is integral to the ethos of the school. All students are expected to arrive at school every day in uniform, worn in a tidy manner. We expect our students to take pride in their school uniforms.
All students are expected to wear PE uniforms on PE days. You will be informed about these days at the beginning of the academic year. The Headteacher will give guidance regarding the dates when summer and winter uniforms are to be worn, according to the seasonal weather conditions. Summer uniforms will be required at the beginning of the year.
Other Items:
Footwear is an important aspect of the school uniform; the correct socks and shoes complete the uniform. Shoes should be black, business-like in style and worn each day.
On PE days, Students must wear appropriate footwear for the activity on offer normally training/sports shoes. All students should wear regular PE uniforms for lessons and house colours for competitions and events only. The use of coats and anoraks are encouraged during cold and rainy days, and sun hats on sunny days.
General Appearance:
For safety reasons, the wearing of earrings (except studs), or other jewellery (metal or plastic) is not permitted. They represent potential hazards to all participants. Medical, professional and occupational safety advice confirms that they should be avoided at all times.
Top buttons on shirts should always be done up and ties should always be fully tightened to the collar. Hair should be worn in a neat style, mohicans, tramlines and bright colours are not considered appropriate hairstyles for school. If a student attends school with a hairstyle that is deemed inappropriate, the Headteacher will inform the parents and request a more suitable style. Furthermore, a student may be required to wear hair tied back and/or to remove it if it is deemed hazardous to an activity.
Washing Guidelines:
For best results, always wash uniforms separately and touch them up with a warm iron.
Never use fabric softeners.
It is always best to wash your garments before wearing them the first time.
To keep your whites looking bright or if uniforms become stained, dull or dingy, soak overnight in water with a stain remover and follow normal wash instructions the next morning.
For best results, always wash uniforms separately and touch up with a warm iron and never use fabric softeners.
It is always best to wash your garments before wearing them the first time. Our navy colours/products should be treated as “delicate”.
Follow These Tips To Prevent Fading:
Wash dark colours together and turn clothes inside out.
Wash in cold water and do not over-dry.
Use the gentle cycle and a gentle detergent.