Parent Survey results 2023/24
This year we received a total of 78 responses. A summary average aggregate of each question is shown below.
How happy are you with the academic progress of your child?
4.5 out of a maximum score of 5
my child is happy in school
4.5 out of a maximum score of 5
i would recommend the school to other families
4.6 out of a maximum score of 5
i am happy with the quality of extra curricular activities
3.9 out of a maximum score of 5
i am happy with communication and level of service provided by the school
4.3 out of a maximum score of 5
i am happy with the quality of school lunches
4.2 out of a maximum score of 5
key takeaways
We are humbled and proud of the very positive feedback we have received. Parents continue to show strong satisfaction with the school’s academic standards, levels of service/communication and overall happiness of their children. While satisfaction with school lunches has improved slightly as a result of our recent changes in our kitchen, we will continue to push hard to raise the overall standard. We are currently reviewing changes to our uniform supplier to address quality issues on some of the items. We continue to review our extracurricular programme to enhance our offering, which will obviously improve substantially with the opening of our new campus next year.
All comments made by parents are reviewed in a specific board session every November, where all suggestions, ideas, criticisms and concerns are carefully considered in a spirit of self-criticism and desire to drive our standards higher.
how do the results compare with previous years?
Results show an average rating of all questions posed to parents. We continue to enjoy very positive feedback with a slight uptick from previous years.